Community Created
MIMA Society is a community, and all MIMA content is created by community members. To edit the archive, you must be a MIMA Society member in good standing.
Identity & Accountability
No anonymous accounts are permitted in the Mid Island Music Archive. Archive editing accounts are created by MIMA Society volunteers and include identifying information about account holders.
The Mid Island Music Archive is a wiki, a technological platform based on the idea that collectives hold greater knowledge than individuals. The MIMA is designed for collaborative content creation and editing. All MIMA members with editing privileges may contribute to any MIMA content.
Public Good over Self-Promotion
All Mid Island Music Archive contributors uphold the Society’s purpose: to support the documentation of our community’s music history and culture as a public good. Contributors may, for instance, link from a MIMA article to external sites such as BandCamp and other promotional or distribution mechanisms, but the article itself must be documentary in nature rather than promotional.
The Mid Island Music Archive may not be used to defame, undermine or sabotage members of the community. Accounts engaging in content vandalism, personal attacks or other conduct that is destructive to the community will be suspended.
Help Build the Community
Spread the word and welcome new member contributors, and most importantly, have fun!